Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Buttermilk Waffles

When I was in South Carolina a few weeks back Mom made some homemade buttermilk waffles. Its been a while since I had these melt in your mouth wonders, so after I left S.C. I was determined to make them again, and again, and again.

Problem is, Mom forgot to send her recipe, and I just couldn't wait any longer. We had Greg's Sunday School class coming over for a class breakfast and I needed to be able to make something that was gluten free. I decided to make this recipe using gluten free flour and they were fabulous!! All the girls loved them, and they didn't notice any difference in taste (one of the girls is diabetic and also has a gluten intolerance, hence the gluten free flour).

Anyway, these are great, and I realized it wasn't on the blog, so here ya go! Once you have homemade waffles, you can never go back to that yucky boxed stuff. We had it with lots of fresh fruit, cream and 4 different kinds of syrup. Our personal favorite was the homemade coconut... I'll post that one later!

Buttermilk Waffles

3 Eggs
1/2 Cup Butter, melted
2 Cups Flour
2 Cups Buttermilk
1/4 Cup brown Sugar
1 tsp. Baking Soda
1 1/2 tsp. Baking Powder
1/2 tsp. Salt
1 tsp. Vanilla
1/2 tsp. Cinnamon {Optional. I always opt to use it!}

Beat Eggs until fluffy. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix until well blended. Pour on greased & preheated waffle iron and cook until golden brown. Serve warm with your favorite waffle topping, fruit, whipped cream... you name it!

**I like to keep powdered buttermilk in the fridge so I don't have to go and buy it just for 1 recipe. You can also make it yourself by pouring regular milk into a 1 cup measuring cup and almost filling it up. Then you put about a tablespoon of EITHER white vinegar OR fresh lemon juice. Both work well.

1 comment:

  1. Your mom made these for us too! They were yummy, my favorite part was the buttermilk syrup. Shauna, you have to post that on here!

    The homemade coconut syrup sounds delicious. We always have friends or family bring bottles of it back from Hawaii and we haven't been able to find it here. Now I can make it!
