Sunday, May 24, 2009

Favorite Salmon

I don't know if you would really call this a recipe, but this is our favorite way to make salmon. We got the idea from Mom, who got the idea from Uncle Jerry. I was able to find the cedar planks at Home Depot recently and we were so excited. We usually cut the plank in half, which makes the perfect size portions for 2 adults.

Cedar Grilled Lemon Herb Salmon

1 Cedar Plank, soaked for approx. 4 hours
Fresh Salmon
1 Orange, thinly sliced
1 Lemon, thinly sliced
Lemon Herb Seasoning
Extra Lemon Slices, for seasoning individual portions

Completely immerse cedar plank in water. Let soak for at least 4 hours. Remove and place half of the lemon and orange slices on the board.

Take fresh salmon and run under cold water. Place on clean surface and sprinkle with lemon herb spice. Place orange and lemon slices on top of salmon. Grill on preheated BBQ for 20-30 minutes. The cedar plank will be pretty blackened when the salmon is done. Eat right away while fish is still hot. Its delicious!


  1. We really like salmon at our house. I will have to go find me one of those cedar planks...and a BBQ. :)

  2. Close enough - we had this at Uncle Joseph's last summer and loved it.
