Friday, May 15, 2009

Grandma's Almond Loaf

This is a sweet bread recipe that I got from Greg's (& Andrea's) grandmother. I LOVE it. Its surprisingly quick and easy to make, but be careful... if you like almond, you could eat a small loaf by yourself. You'll see by the ingredients that that probably isn't the best idea.

I also always double or triple this one. I like to wrap them tightly and freeze them. I think they are easier to slice up and actually taste better a little frozen.

Mary's Almond Loaf

3 Eggs
1 Cup Sugar
1/2 Cup Oil
1 Cup Flour
1 tsp. Almond Extract {I usually do just a bit more}
Slivered Almonds, for topping

Beat together eggs, sugar and oil. Add in extract & flour.  Pour into greased bread pans, about half full. Sprinkle almond slivers on top .

Bake @ 350 degrees for approx. 30 minutes (will vary depending on the size loaf pan you use). Check for doneness with toothpick. Tops of bread should be slightly browned. Cool on wire racks for 5-10 minutes (in pan) after removed from oven. Remove from pans and continue to cool on racks.


  1. This looks fabulous!! I love stuff like this!

  2. Is this like the Almond Cake Marijke makes?

  3. i havent tried the almond cake recipe yet... This is avery dense bread...

  4. i made this, it is more dense and not as sweet as the cake. you'd probably like the cake though if you like this bread.
