Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Norwegian Pancakes

This recipe comes from my parents. It's a favorite in our family. We'd even make these for dinner occasionally. If you like breakfast food or dessert you've gotta try this!

Makes 16 to 18 pancakes or 4 to 6 servings.
3 eggs

3/4 cup sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp grated lemon rind
1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, melted
1 cup half-and-half
1 cup all-purpose flour
1 tsp vanilla

In a large bowl, beat the eggs until light, about 3 minutes. Add the rest of the ingredients in the order given and beat together. The batter will be very thin.

Heat (over medium heat) a heavy/medium iron skillet or crepe pan and grease very lightly, just barely rubbing the sides and bottom with a bit of butter. Pour in 1/3-1/2 cup batter, tipping the skillet so batter runs up to the sides. When the pancake loses its gloss, loosen sides gently and turn. When brown on the second side, fold into fourths and place in a heated casserole dish (to keep warm).

*If you want the lemon to be a little more prominent, add a little lemon juice. I just give 1/2 a lemon a small squeeze, probably about 1 tsp. of juice.

This are so sweet and rich I often eat them plain, but you could add powder sugar, fruit, jam, whipped cream, yogurt, syrup or anything else you like to top pancakes with.


  1. Can anyone tell me why the formatting of the words at the top is weird? Can you help me fix it? Ha ha. I am obviously not a blogger by nature.

  2. Oh I would love to make these! Thank you for sharing!

  3. These sound delicious! So, just wondering, how do these ones differ from the Swedish recipe you posted previously?

    Also, a really great trick when you are making crepes/swedish pancakes etc. is to strain your batter through a small holed colander. I always do this to get ride of the lumps and they come out perfectly smooth every time!! They also freeze GREAT... just put a piece of wax paper between each piece and seal them in a ziplock bag! Yummy treat for a morning you don't have time to make breakfast!

  4. Hm, I've never frozen pancakes before. That would be great for a quick breakfast. This taste very different from Swedish Pancakes, but they look similar. They are really sweet and rich. I can only eat 3 at the most, usually. I like raspberries with mine because the tartness goes well with the sweet. They have a different texture too. They are a bit crisp and really butter-y. I've never had any lumps, but if you do, the colander sounds like a great solution. The pancake is just bubbling up in the picture, but the bubbles don't stay.

  5. These looks delicious. I want to make them for dinner!
