Friday, July 17, 2009

Bacon Bleu Cheese Potato Salad

Two miracles about to happen. First, I am actually posting. Second, I am sharing a recipe I made up. NEVER HAPPENS! Okay didn't totally make up but tasted somewhere else and replicated it all on my own! I love potato salad anyway but this one was extra good!

Bacon Bleu Cheese Potato Salad

Boil, peel and cut up 15-20 good size red potatoes. (this salad doesn't have the bulk of the hard boiled eggs that many potato salads do so this may sound like a lot of potatoes but it really won't be super big.)

Dressing: I like to do a 1:1 of Mayo and Miracle Whip. For a salad this size I start with 1 cup of each and gradually add to make sure I am not overdoing it. If I need more I usually go with just Miracle Whip because that is my personal preference anyway! I added about 2-3 tbsp of pickle juice (as in liquid from the pickle jar!), a dash of garlic powder, dash of onion powder and a little salt and pepper to the dressing as well.

Add as much as you want of the following:

green onions/chives
bacon (loved the Costco bag of bacon bits)
celery - chopped small
bleu cheese - I did 1 1/2 of the normal size packages you would buy in the grocery store. Then again I REALLY like bleu cheese! Save some to sprinkle on top as well.

I think the flavors blend well if you make it the night before and keep in the fridge until right before serving.

I took this salad to my mom's for David's homecoming and every drop was gone - one of the resons no picture is included! One cousin was asking me for the recipe and when I got to the bleu cheese part he looked surprised because he usually avoids it but didn't mind it this time.


  1. I'm way impressed that you made this up! If you aren't a huge miracle whip fan do you think extra mayo would be ok?

  2. Sounds yum! I love red potatoes... I'll have to try this one!

  3. I didn't notice this recipe until now but it looks like something I need to try. I am looking to start "Round Two" with some different recipes! Thanks a lot.
