Sunday, August 9, 2009

Lemon Chicken

I came across this recipe a few months ago and finally made it this week. I wish I had made it sooner! It was delicious! We actually had it for dinner last night, and the leftovers are going on our pizza tonight. It has great flavor and can be used in salads, pasta, pizza, eaten by itself etc. So many options! The original recipe says to marinate it for 24 hours, but I only do about 8-10 hours. Lemon actually "cooks" chicken on its own, so I prefer not to leave it in the marinade very long. You will see that the edges of your chicken breasts actually start to turn a light white color...thats the lemon "cooking" the chicken. I think if you leave it in too long it gets a bit more chewy than I like. Try it and let me know how it goes!

Lemon Chicken

Juice of 1 Lemon, about 3 TBSP
3 TBSP Olive Oil
1 tsp. Minced Garlic
1 tsp. Salt
1/2 tsp. Oregano
1/2 tsp. Pepper
1 Lb. Chicken Breasts

Put all ingredients in a large ziplock bag and refrigerate until ready to use {8-10 hours}. You can cook in a skillet over medium/high heat, or on the Grill on medium/high heat as well. We prefer the flavor of the grill, but do what suits your family best. Its delicious!!


  1. I like this idea! I didn't know that lemon cooks chicken. I learned something new today. Thanks!

  2. I've never heard of lemon cooking chicken either, interesting...

  3. We make this all of the time. Love it! Thanks!
