Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Rain Drops on Roses, & Whiskers on Kittens...

Now, I'm no Fraulein Maria, but I have a few of my own favorite things.

One of which happens to be my handy dandy Microplane Zester.

I love my Microplane Zester. I use it for all sorts of recipes. I don't think I could survive without it in my kitchen. We are on a first name basis. That's what kind of relationship we have. My husband actually makes fun of me because I insist on using its full name. Microplane Zester. Not just zester. No, no, no my dear friends. Call me crazy (or don't), but I love this little guy.

I actually had a friend tell me a few weeks back that she went and bought herself one of these bad boys because "all real cooks have them", and she wanted to feel like a real cook. I applaud her.

But seriously, here's the real question... Would you like one of these lovely little pretties to be used in your kitchen? Well since I'm feeling generous (and couldn't wait until our 1 year anniversary of this here blog!), I'm giving one away!

Wanna win? Here's how:
1. Leave a comment (with a valid email). Not just an email address, but a comment as well!

if you want a second entry:
2. Become a Follower. Go ahead, stalk away! we really don't mind.
(make sure you let us know you subscribed)

and, since I'm feelin' all generous, if you have done #'s 1 & 2:

3. You can leave a 3rd comment telling us a recipe you have made from THIS blog. We would love to hear some feedback on our recipes!

Contest will end Friday, October 23rd.


  1. Love your blog. Thanks for all the great recipes!

  2. I love this blob. That's right. I picked up on the fact that you called it a blob. And, I made the white chicken chili. In fact, I am the one who inspired you to put it up on this here blob. Everyone was so impressed and I have directed others to this site. That's right. I am now into marketing! Keep the recipes a rollin!

  3. I've made a few of your recipes. I really liked the Chicken Spaghetti and Chicken Cordon Bleu Casserole. I like that they were easy, tasty and realistic. I like to cook but with basic ingredients. No strange spices I'll use one time and spend an hour in the grocery store just trying to find. Thanks for all your goods!

  4. I fixed it. It no longer says blob! Thanks Manda.

  5. Annalisa,
    I am happy to leave a comment on your most attractively and deliciously done blog. I don't know what I would do with a "zester" but thought I would like to be in the drawing sounds so...vogue right now!! Do you wear pearls?
    PS Yes, I did try the chocolate chip cookie recipe but they didn't look like the ones at the top of your blog. WHich recipe is the best?

  6. I guess I'll fess. I read your food blog. My address is

  7. I made your Aztec Chicken. It was a great, easy family meal. Thanks for the recipe!

  8. Oh wow! I've pretty much asked for this as a birthday gift for a few years now. I love your blog and would love to win. I need to get busy trying some of these recipes! staceylea at

  9. I subscribe via Google Reader so I definitely follow all your updates! Thanks!

  10. I LOVE your blog...and I really want one of those Microplane Zesters, I have looked for them....but never found a great one...and I'm already a follower, I LOVE everything on here....I make the Oreo Truffles all the time and I can't wait to try some of your soups!

  11. I absoluutely love this blog. The amazing creations that I get to enjoy on a daily basis give me great joy. I love it

  12. I absolutely love your cooking blog. It helps that I got to know most of you in the Miller Ward!
    Keep the recipes coming!

  13. Ok, I NEVER enter contests, but I figure I should automatically win this since I have probably made the most recipes! Here are some that I have made:
    white chicken chili, banana bread, buttermilk waffles,almond loaf, Norwegian pancakes, coconut Indian curry, buttermilk squash lasagna, roaster red pepper sauce, crock pot chicken, salsa chicken, oven chimichangas, bbq pork, wild rice soup, caramel brownies, and lemon drop cookies. I am sure there are probably even more!

  14. Ohh Annalisa! You told me you thought about doing a giveaway! NICE. Okay well as you already know, I am a total blog stalker. And check your personal one and your fabulous recipe one multiple times a day. It's quite ridiculous actually. I think you have my email address but here it is again...
    (As for all your other folks reading, I hope not to see any emails from you :) )

  15. Okay I did it! I became an official follower of this blog. What does that entail? Does that mean you can monitor how much I get on your blog? That would be embarrassing. Okay as for the recipe I have used... ohh the peanut butter SNICKER cookies. They were not as pretty as yours but man oh man they were DELICIOUS. A little piece of heaven! I am actually going grocery shopping today and your white chicken chili is on my shopping list. I will let you know it I butcher it or not :)

  16. Oh I am definitely in on this contest! Love this blog and refer to it all the time when cooking!

    Emily McConkie

  17. I am already a blob stalker. And I have made tons of recipes here. My most recent favorite is the "chili blanco" and the "cream cheese pound cake"

  18. Oh you know I love the cooking blog. It inspires me that one day I too could rise above feeding my family only Mac& Cheese and costco chicken nuggets!

  19. Sweet, now I follow you officially. Not just in a creepy non official way like I was doing before

  20. I blog stalk this cooking blog. and I LOVE it! My fave so far has been the snickers cookies and the chocolate bundt cake with the chocolate frosting! (yes, I gravitate toward all the dessert recipes...but I have tried the dinner recipes too and they always turn out delish!)
    You have my e mail...but I leave it here again to officially seal my entry into the giveaway contest!
    I want the pretty Microplane Zester. And if I win it, I promise to always call it by its full name: the Microplane Zester.

  21. p.s. I am now also an official "follower" of this blog.

  22. Crannie, Amanda told me about your blog and I have enjoyed browsing!! I would rather not leave my email address here, but I'm pretty sure you have it.

  23. P.S. I made you white chicken chili JUST LAST NIGHT with my parents over for company. (Do I get bonus points for the recentness?) I also printed off your broccoli cheese soup recipe and intend to make it later this week. And pretty much every single dessert recipe I REALLY want to make.

  24. Um, I have been a silent fan of your blog for WAY long now and secretly stalking you. Now, I have become a follower AND I'm leaving my email address to enter the drawing. Did I mention that I love Annalisa and always have! Miss you!!!

    Heather Hammond
    heatherzhammond at

  25. hey emily, i didn't know you guys had a blog, well i didn't know you had this fun recipe blog. i will for sure be checking it out! i would love to win a zester, my husband loves to make these lemon or lime pies and we don't have a zester so we use a cheese grater and it just doesn't do the job. anyway i hope you are doing well! love ya!

  26. ooo me me me, i love the lemon cake recipe, when you 1st posted it i must have made it 3 times within 2 weeks.

  27. Great blog! I can't wait to try out some of your recipes. Especially those cookies. They look delectable.

  28. I want a Zester. I've always wanted a Zester. I even capitalize the "Z."

    Pick me.

  29. Oh please pick me!!! I have been needing one of these REALLY bad! And keep the recipes coming... :)

  30. Wait a minute - I didn't put an email address, and Kristin didn't either.

    Dave -

    Kristin -

  31. I Love Love Love that I came across your blog.

    After looking at just the first recipe I started following you.

    I've only been following for a few weeks but I have already made the White Chicken Chili, Honey Citrus Enchiladas (but I substituted with Pork) Aztec Chicken, Green Chili Pork last night and I plan on making the Rumbi Soup either tonight or tomorrow.

    Without you, my family may have gone hungy. :-)

  32. Annalisa--
    I have made--and devoured--the Grilled Pork with Balsamic Carmelized Pear stunk of the kitchen so much the kids literally fled!! but it was SOOO good. my address is
    I have a few others I printed off that I'm going to cook (of the southwestern variety).
    Love you,

  33. I love reading your blog and getting great recipes. A microplane zester would be great to have.

    Heather Towle

  34. I added my self to your follower list.

  35. I have tried several recipes on here. The latest one I tried was Alison's chicken dinner crockpot recipe. I also love the honey lime chicken enchiladas.
