Thursday, March 18, 2010


If you like caramel, I would suggest not making this recipe.
Seriously. You will eat it all.
You have been warned.

Since I have zero will power, I made this the other day and poured it over popcorn. I'm sure you can imagine what happened next... I pretty much had to throw half of it out because I kept finding myself taking handful after handful. Not even aware I was doing it!

So anyway, if you know how to stop when your dental work is begging you to, go ahead and try this yummy recipe from my wonderful friend Amanda. I think you'll like it.


2 Cups Sugar
1/2 Cup Butter
1 1/2 Cups Light Karo Syrup
1 Can Sweetened Condensed Milk
Pinch of Salt
1 tsp. Vanilla

Popcorn, popped and set aside
(make sure you check for any unwanted kernels. I don't want you breaking a tooth!)

Combine all ingredients in a heavy saucepan, except vanilla. Stir well on low heat until dissolved. Increase heat to medium. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly, until it forms a soft ball when dropped in very cold water. Remove from heat. Add vanilla. Pour our the prepared popcorn and mix well.

You can also make these into individually wrapped caramels. You will want to cook it to firm ball stage and then pour into a buttered 9x13 inch pan. When cooled and set, you can cut into small squares and wrap in small squares of wax paper. You can also add chopped nuts when you stir in the vanilla... if your a nutty kinda person. Makes a fun little gift for a friend!

I got to use my new blue dutch oven! I'm not saying thats not the real reason I made this caramel, but it might be.

**Side Note: The slower you cook the caramel, the lighter it will be in color. Just KEEP stirring. You really don't want to burn this stuff!


  1. I hope this is as good as andrea's recipe. I have been dying to make her caramel popcorn but don't have the recipe.

  2. I cannot even think of making this!

  3. This looks SO yummy! I have been craving caramel popcorn for a few weeks, now I think i'll have to make it.

    *Emily, Andrea posted her recipe on here a while back. I tagged it so you can look it up under caramel now.
