Friday, July 23, 2010

Linda's Pasta Salad

This recipe comes from my friend Suzanne Schmidt's mom, Luanne. It's delicious!

1 grocery store chicken (already cooked), cut or ripped up into small pieces {I just boiled and cubed some chicken}
½ bag (small bag, not Costco sized) craisins
1 large bag spinach leaves
1 box bowtie pasta, cooked and cooled
1+ bottles Briana's poppyseed dressing {I used about 1 1/2 bottles of dressing}
Asiago cheese for top {I used fresh-grated parmesan and Luanne some times uses Gorgonzola}
Pecans {I used praline, or candied, pecans}

Cook bowtie pasta according to package directions and cool. Coat with dressing and put in fridge. Let marinate for a few hours or overnight, if possible. Toss all ingredients together and add more dressing as needed. Serves approximately 12-15.

*We like it cold so you may want to refrigerate it after mixing all the ingredients together, or keep the ingredients in the fridge until you are ready to toss them together.

**Leave chicken out to make it vegetarian.


  1. This looks so good!! I love a good pasta salad... I will have to make this soon!

  2. I love salads like this!! I want to eat some right now. Hmmm, who could I share it with? My hubby isn't too fond of fancy salads. But I love them! Great pix too!!

  3. This was great... I will have to add a little more dressing next time though...

  4. I love this favorite of all time...too bad I'm too lazy to make it for myself. haha

  5. I have been craving this and am making this tonight. I can't wait to eat it! YAY!

