Friday, August 20, 2010

Cucumber Limeade

If you have a garden that is overflowing with cucumbers, and you have already made enough salads to last a lifetime, here's another way to use up some of those delicious green veggies. I got this recipe from my friend Heather, who says they've been making it for years. How have I never heard of this idea? But don't worry, I have made up for the lack of cucumber limeade in my life. Enjoy this perfectly refreshing summer drink anytime, but its also a super easy and cheap drink to use for a baby/bridal shower.

Cucumber Limeade

1 Cucumber
1 Frozen Limeade {12 oz.}
1 Sprite Zero, 2 Liter*
Lots of Ice

Cut cucumber in thin slices. Place in large water pitcher and top with limeade and Sprite. Stir until limeade has dissolved. Add lots and lots of ice, and enjoy!

*{You can use normal Sprite as well. I use Zero because I don't notice any flavor difference, and the lack of extra sugar is a bonus.}


  1. Wanna know something totally weird that I learned today? The cucumber is actually a fruit!!! Weird, huh?

  2. Cucumbers huh? Sounds intriguing.

  3. We drank lots of cucumber water in mexico. Not bad.

