Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Soupa Ranchero

Is it just me, or does this bitter cold winter stuff make you want to eat soup and hot chocolate for almost every meal?! Hopefully it isn't too bad in your neck of the woods, but Chicago is FREEZING! Or, at least thats how it feels to me.

Anyway, I got this recipe from my good friend Meagan. She gave it to me in a vegetarian form, but we added chicken and used chicken broth... We loved it the way we made it, but I am sure it is equally delicious prepared without meat.

Soupa Ranchero

1 Med. Onion, diced
2 teas. Minced Garlic
2 TBSP Olive Oil
8 Cups Chicken Broth
8 Small Red Potatoes, skin on, quartered
2-3 Cups Cooked Chicken, cubed or shredded
1 Zucchini, chopped
1 Summer Squash, chopped
1 Can Corn
1 Can Diced Tomatoes (or fresh)
1 Can Garbanzo Beans
1 teas. Cumin
2 teas. Oregano
1/2 Bunch Fresh Cilantro, chopped

On the side:
2 Limes
Sour Cream
Tortilla Chips

In a large stock pot, saute onion and garlic in olive oil until tender & onion is clear. Add chicken broth and potatoes. Cook on medium high heat until potatoes are soft. Turn down to medium/low heat and add remaining ingredients. Simmer for about 20 minutes, or until vegetables are cooked through {not soggy though}. Serve with quartered lime wedges & any other toppings you prefer. Perfect on a cold winters night!


  1. This sounds good and we have potatoes and chickpeas to use up before we leave London, we'll have to try this...without the cilantro though! We can't find it here.

  2. This looks really yummy. Perfect for a cold winter day!

  3. made this a week or so ago. It was yummy. I did the vegetarian version with no chicken and veggie broth. It's amazing how much the fresh lime squeezed on top added to the flavor. I needed to add salt and papper for my taste but otherwise made as is. I think it could be good served with your jalapeno cornbread. Or with jalapenos or green chilis in the soup to add a little southwest heat.
