Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Cream Cheese Stuffed Lemon French Toast

So, I guess its been a while since I have posted any recipes on this here blog. My how time flies when you are pregnant and not cooking real meals! :)  But now that I am well into my second trimester and feeling better, I have actually been cooking/baking a ton. So apparently I am just super lazy and never post anything. Oops!

But... this was one recipe I just couldn't keep to myself. I saw it on a cooking blog a while ago and thought "I really need to give that one a try." Boy howdy am I ever glad I did. It was AMAZING. We actually had it for dinner and had plenty of leftovers for breakfast the next day. I can guarantee I will be making this again and again!

Cream Cheese Stuffed Lemon French Toast 
with Strawberry Syrup

6 *Large, stale Butter Croissants
1 {8 oz.} package Cream Cheese
1 1/4 Cups Powdered Sugar, divided
2 Lemons
1 1/4 tsp. Lemon Extract
2 Eggs
1 1/2 Cups Milk
Fresh Strawberries, cleaned and sliced

Slice croissants in half lengthwise and set aside.

In a mixing bowl, combine cream cheese and 3/4 cups powdered sugar. Beat on high speed until smooth. Add in 1-2 tablespoons of fresh lemon juice, and the zest of one lemon. Combine until light and fluffy.

Spread a generous amount of cream cheese mixture on the bottom of each croissant and replace top. Press down to flatten slightly. You will need to cut the croissants in half at this point to get them all to fit in your pan. Lightly grease a 9x13 inch baking dish and place croissants in the pan, filling in all the little nooks {you may need to cut your croissants in smaller pieces to fill all the gaps}.

In small bowl, whisk together your eggs, milk, lemon extract, the zest of the 2nd lemon, and remaining 1/2 cup powdered sugar. Pour evenly over the croissants. Cover your pan and refrigerate for 8-10 hours, or until it looks like the moisture has been absorbed.

When you are ready to bake them, preheat your oven to 350 degrees and cover pan with aluminum foil. Cook for 30 minutes, then remove foil and bake for another 18-25 minutes, or until tops are a golden brown color and you do not see any more liquid. Remove and allow to stand at room temperature for about 5 minutes. Cut into square portions and serve with fresh strawberries and strawberry syrup.

Plain French Toast

With Syrup and Fruit

* I used small croissants. Forgot to get the big ones when I was at Costco! Since mine were so much smaller I ended up using 14 and only needed to cut 2 of them to fill in any gaps. I also didn't need to soak them as long because they were so small {5 hours}. I will try the big ones next time... much more cost effective {$5.99 at my Costco for 12 LARGE ones!}.

Strawberry Syrup

1 pint Fresh Strawberries, cleaned and stems removed
1/3 Cup Sugar
1 tsp. Almond Extract {or Vanilla if you prefer}

Roughly chop strawberries. Place in medium size pot and add sugar and extract. Cook over medium heat, stirring and smashing strawberries as you go. Cook for about 5 minutes on a low simmer. Remove from heat and let cool.

When mixture has cooled considerably, pulse in blender or food processor to desired consistency. I don't like chunks so I obliterated mine! Serve over French Toast and Enjoy!

And if you are feeling extra fancy, throw a little cream on top! :)

...annnddd with a little extra lovin'!
P.S. This would make a lovely Valentines Day breakfast... especially since all the work gets done the night before!

recipe source: Our Best Bites


  1. Oh,these sound so yummy! Cream cheese is just about good with everything, but add some lemon and a croissant! YUM! I can't wait to try these!

  2. I am totally making this for breakfast on valentine's day! it looks amazing!!!

  3. I made this for my guests the other day, and they LOVED it. I didn't have any lemons so I substituted orange, and it was really lovely!!! thanks for posting it!!!!!
