Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Chewy Sugar Cookies

When it comes to a good sugar cookie, I definitely fall under the category of "can't stop at just one." You think I am kidding, but alas, I only wish I were. One of the problems with sugar cookies though... they take forever to make from start to finish. There's the rolling and the cutting and then the frosting! I swear, I may be the slowest sugar cookie maker in the world!!

Luckily, my sister seems to be able to make them in about half of the time that I can. It must be because she has double the amount of children and has learned to get things done more efficiently. At any rate, she made these the other day, and I contributed by frosting them (the easiest way I could!) and eating them. I took one for he team and ate about a dozen. So, you know, no one else had to go into a sugar coma. I'm nice like that.

Even though they may take a few extra minutes to make, I promise they are worth every bite. Or all 238 bites, depending on the kind of self control ya have.

Chewy Sugar Cookies

2 Cups Butter, softened
2 Cups Sugar
4 Eggs
1 tsp. Baking Soda
1 tsp. Baking Powder
Dash of Salt
6 Cups Flour

With an electric mixer, cream together the butter and sugar. Add eggs and mix until incorporated. Add remaining ingredients and mix until the dough comes together. 
Roll portions of the dough out, on a floured surface, until about 1/4 inch thick. Cut out in desired shapes and place on parchment lined cookie sheets. Bake at 375 degrees for about 8 minutes. You don't want to over cook these babies... take them out before they get brown. When cookies have cooled, frost with your favorite frosting, or the recipe that follows.

Perfect Sugar Cookie Frosting

4 Cups Powdered Sugar
1/2 Cup Butter, softened
5 TBSP Milk
1 tsp. Vanilla
Food Coloring, optional

With your electric mixer, blend the butter and powdered sugar together until smooth, or little powdered sugar balls start to form. You just want the sugar and butter to incorporate together well. Once you've done this, gradually add in the milk and vanilla and mix until smooth and stiff, about 5 minutes. Color with food coloring if desired. This is a great frosting to put in a bag and pipe over a cookie the way I did {lazy mom frosting! So much faster!!}, or frost the entire cookie how you normally would.
Delicious... Enjoy! 


  1. These are so adorable and look so divine. I want to make them but it is too hot and I am doing a big birthday bash on Friday. Thanks for this blog; I just rediscovered it!Love, Auntie M.

  2. These are so good!! The icing made it even better!
