Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Oven Chimichanga's

I got this recipe from Nate & Missy McConkie, of the Dan McConkie clan... not to be confused with the Nate & Melissa McConkie of the Joseph clan. Ironic, I know.

They made these for us {and the missionaries} a few weeks back when they were in DG. Did I mention what great house guests they were? This is great with some lime rice. Also, I double it so we have lots of leftovers! Enjoy some "chiminychanga's" {name that movie}.

Oven Chimichanga's

2/3 Cup Picante Sauce
1 TBSP Cumin
1/2 TBSP Dried Oregano
1 1/2 Cups Chicken, cooked and chopped
1 Cup Cheddar Cheese, shredded
2 Green Onions, finely diced
1/4 Cup Cilantro, chopped
1 can Corn, drained

6 Flour Tortilla's

Mix all ingredients {except tortilla's of course} together. Place a generous amount of mixture into flour tortilla and roll. Place on large jelly roll pan and cook @ 400 degrees for 20-25 minutes. Right before removing from oven, garnish with extra cheese and green onions. Let cheese melt, remove from oven, and enjoy.


  1. These look delicious! They don't look like they take too much work either. My kind of recipe! ;-)

  2. Hmmm....does this look like missionary fare?

  3. ha! i never thought we'd have anything to add to your cookbook. i'm glad to know we didn't eat you out of house and home, even if greg is "thankful that the mcconkies could eat our food." :)

  4. You could totally make these for missionaries... you would jsut want to like quadruple the recipe! :)

  5. We made these last night and they are awesomje!!! Definitely a repeat recipe.
