Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Cream Puff's

I have never been a big eclair fan. I just don't like the custard filling. In fact, years ago, my older sister and I worked at a grocery store together and would frequently take our breaks at the same time. We would usually both buy a bavarian cream donut, and then I would proceed to pull it apart and scoop out all the cream and give it to her. Why I didn't just buy a regular yeast donut with chocolate frosting, we will never know.

Anyway, when I was in high school and went over to the house of my best friends grammy (who is an amazing cook!), and saw these bad boys on her counter, I wasn't even tempted. That is until the BFF told me that the cream inside wasn't custard. There has been no turning back since that day. I still won't eat a store bought eclair, but when I make these, I have to give them ALL away... otherwise they would all be consumed by myself & my husband... who has 2 known food weaknesses: Cinnamon Rolls, and Eclairs.

Trust me, if you want a delicious treat that really isn't that hard to make, these are the way to go! In fact, whenever I take them to people, they think I slaved away, when in reality, these aren't hard at all.

Great, now I'm giving away all my secrets... you better enjoy this recipe folks!

Cream Puffs
from grammy ann

1/2 Cup Butter
1 Cup Boiling Water
1 Cup Flour, sifted
1/4 tsp. Salt
4 Eggs

Melt butter in boiling water. Add flour & salt all at once; stir vigorously. Cook and stir until the mixture forms a ball that doesn't separate. Remove from heat; cool slightly. Add eggs, one at a time, stirring well after each addition until smooth.

Drop by heaping tablespoons about 3 inches apart on parchment lined baking sheets {will make about a dozen medium size puffs}. Bake @ 425 degrees for 20 minutes. Turn oven down to 400 degrees and bake for 20 more minutes. Remove from oven, cool on rack. Cut when cooled and fill with whatever kind of cream filling you prefer.

For the filling, I do a mixture of pudding {white chocolate, vanilla, french vanilla etc.} and cool whip topping... make the pudding according to package directions. When it has set, fold in an 8 oz. container of cool whip. You will have leftover filling, which went nicely on top of my baked oatmeal the next morning! :)

Top with sifted powdered sugar or your favorite chocolate frosting. I used this homemade frosting on these particular puffs.


  1. These look good. I don't love custard, but I'll eat it. I'd probably like this filling.

  2. I LOVE your cream puffs! I remember one evening Greg brought over a huge plate of them. I miss those days!

  3. They look so good! I'm scared to try them because I know I'll get addicted.

  4. I love cream puffs! Thanks for sharing this recipe!
