Thursday, July 29, 2010

Never Fail Sugar Cookies

When it comes to sugar cookies, everyone has their own taste for what they like. As for me, I think I have found my perfect sugar cookie. I don't like my sugar cookies fluffy and cakey, or crisp. I like my cookies dense, moist and chewy. And that is just what I found in these babies! Yum! Credit goes to my neighbor Natalie Thurman, who I got this recipe from. (Her mother has been making these for years).


2 cups sugar
2 cups softened butter
6 eggs
6 tsp baking powder
7 cups flour
4 tsp vanilla


Cream sugar & butter. Add eggs & vanilla. Add dry ingredients and mix well. Put in plastic wrap in fridge for 2 hours before baking. Bake at 350 for 4-5 minutes. (My oven produced perfect cookies at 7 minutes).

**Roll your cookies out somewhat thick as they do not rise much, if any.

**Makes around 7 dozen.


  1. These do look wonderful! 7 dozen is a lot :)!

  2. I've been looking for a good sugar cookie recipe. I'm giving this a try!!

  3. One of the keys is to roll them out thick and not overcook them. I like mine when they look just a tad undercooked.

    Good luck sarah! These are dangerous!

  4. I found these cookies to be very cake-like and dry. I went over the recipe again and again to see if I did something wrong - any suggestions?

  5. Sounds like they are just overcooked? Sometimes I add sour cream as well. . .
