Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Apricot Chicken

This is a great recipe for our home because of all of the apricot jam we made with our neighbors apricots. Also, all of the ingredients can generally be found in our home at any given time. The recipe originally came from in 2007 as a microwave recipe. However, I never cook it in the microwave. It is just as easy, if not easier to do it on the stove. And it is oh so delicious!

1/2 cup apricot preserves
2 TBsp soy sauce
1 TBsp chicken broth or Sherry
1 TBsp vegetable oil
1 TBsp corn starch
1 TBsp minced garlic
1/4 tsp ground ginger
1 Lb boneless skinless chicken breasts, cut into strips
1 medium green pepper, chopped
1/2 cup salted cashews
Hot cooked rice

In a large bowl, combine the first seven ingredients. Add Chicken and toss to coat. (I like to make this early in the day and then let it sit in the fridge). Cook on the stove top until the chicken is almost done, then add green peppers. Let it simmer for a minute or so longer. Next add cashews, then serve hot over rice.


  1. This looks good! The cashews are a little unique, but I really like them so I'm sure I'd like them in this.

  2. you are welcome to our jam as well, when you come back to utah!

  3. This makes me hungry! Looks delicious!
