Monday, September 27, 2010

Fresh Mozzerella Penna Pasta

I found a great deal on fresh mozzarella cheese this week and searched the internet for a recipe that looked good. I stumbled across this recipe somewhere and am so glad I did. This is an extremely easy recipe, and so delicious. I will make it again and again. It would be a great entertaining recipe if you want to wow your friends! Spencer also suggested serving it with thinly sliced grilled lemon chicken (Annalisa's recipe). (It originally called for 1 TBsp salt, but was too salty, even for me).

8 ounces fresh mozzarella cheese, cut into small cubes
3 medium tomatoes, or 5-6 Roma tomatoes, pealed
2 avocados, pealed, pitted, & diced
3-4 cloves garlic, minced
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
1/2 cup coarsely-chopped fresh basil
1 TBsp fresh sqeezed lemon juice
1 tsp coarse salt
Freshly ground black pepper to taste
1 tsp crushed red pepper or to taste
1 (16 oz) package uncooked penna pasta
Freshly-grated parmesan cheese

In a large bowl, ross mozzarella cheese with tomatoes, avocados, garlic, olive oil, basil, lemon juice, salt, pepper, & red pepper. Let stand at room temperature for at least 30 minutes.

Cook pasta according to package directions; drain and return to pan to keep warm.

Add tomato mixture to prepared pasta and toss to coat thoroughly. Transfer onto individual serving plates and garnish with parmesan cheese.

Serves 4-5 adults